News from TiMMA


TiMMA webinar n°8, 21 February 2025


Vassilis Petrakis (professor of prehistoric archaeology, Kapodistrian University of Athens)

Craft production in Mycenean palatial (con)texts: Overview of the Linear B documentation with some special reference to (certain or probable) building activities



TiMMA webinar n°7, 10 January 2025


Mathieu Vanpeene (Centre Franco-Egyptien d'Etudes des Temples de Karnak, CFEETK - MoTA / UAR 3172 du CNRS,

The use of timber in Ancient Egyptian Architecture



TiMMA webinar n°6, 12 April 2024


Léanne Levillain & Vanessa Py-Saragaglia (Geode, Toulouse)

Development and use of dendroanthracological tools for better characterisation of timber wood in Minoan and Mycenean palaces


Anastasia Christopoulou (PhD forest Ecology and Management, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens)

Dendrochronological examination of charcoal remains from Broze Age excavation sites in Greece


Antigoni Mavromati (PhD historical geography and archaeology, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki & University of Valencia)

The anthracological data from Akrotiri on Thera


Maria Ntinou (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki)

Woodlands and wood uses in Bronze Age Aegean: a view from anthracology




TiMMA Workshop Work-Package 3, 1 March 2024

3D Reconstructions and calculations




TiMMA webinar n°5, 16 february 2024


Valentin Loeschker, Elena Maragoudaki, Elefthera Tsakanika (with the participation of Maia Pomadère, Niki Apostolou, Sylvie Rougier-Blanc)

Timber in Minoan architecture: An experimental approach to building techniques at Malia (2nd phase)




Dealing with post-excavation data: the TiMMA web-database

We are proud to announce that Bastien Rueff has published an article on the TiMMA database in the Peer-Community Journal.


Read the article


TiMMA in the Cahiers de l’ANR

The TiMMA project is presented in the Cahiers de l'ANR on Paleoenvironment and Human Societies (Cahier ANR n°15 - May2023).


Visit the webpage




TiMMA at the CAA 2023

3-6 April, Amsterdam

On the occasion of next Computer Application in Archaeology congress that will be held in Amsterdam, on 3-6 April 2023, Bastien Rueff will present a paper on the TiMMA database entitled "Dealing with old and new excavation datasets: the TiMMA web-database". More information at:



TiMMA webinar n°2


Friday, 24 March, 17:00-19:00 (Greek time)

Paul Bacoup, post-doc researcher in the TiMMA project, will present a work in progress: Protohistoric wooden architecture in the Aegean area. Which vocabulary to use? Reflection on the TiMMA database.


Polythyra training


Friday, 10 March, 17:00-19:00 (Greek time)


A training to polythyra identification, analysis and description into the database


Zotero training to the TiMMA database


Wednesday, 1 February, 17:00-19:00 (Greek time)

How to use Zotero in the TiMMA database (Bastien Rueff)



TiMMA webinar n°1


Friday 16 December 2022, 17:00-19:00 (Greek time)


Pavol Hnila, Freie Universität Berlin, Institut für Altorientalistik

Loadbearing horizontal timber framing in the Aegean Bronze Age architecture and its Anatolian parallels



Database training session


Monday, 14 November, 15:00-17:00 (Greek time)


Using the TiMMA database (Bastien Rueff)



Timber identification training sessions


Saturday, 12 November, 10:00-13:00 (Greek time)



Presentation of the Database and of the web site (Bastien Rueff)

Examples from the pilot site of Malia (Maia Pomadere, Marilena Pateraki)

Methods used to collect and fill the base (The team of Malia and Eleftheria Tsakanika). Discussions.

Proposition of a protocol


Saturday, 29 October, 10:00-14:00 (Greek time)


Timber in Akrotiri (Clairy palyvou)

Timber in Minoan and Mycenaean Architecture (Eleftheria Tsakanika)



TiMMA at the Cretological congress in Ayios Nikolaos, 5-9 October 2022

Between 5 and 9 October, the 13th International Congress of Cretan Studies will be held at Agios Nikolaos, Crete. On this occasion Marilena Pateraki, Maia Pomadère, Bastien Rueff, Eleftheria Tsakanika and Sylvie Rougier-Blanc will present a paper entitled: “A rise in the use of timber in Neopalatial architecture? First results of the TiMMA project at Malia”.


Congress website