Publication directors:
- Sylvie Rougier-Blanc, Professor, University Paris XII-Creteil - UPEC, France.
- Bastien Rueff, Post-doctoral researcher, French School at Athens, Greece.
Data property:
- Project results are the property of the partners who generated them.
- Project results generated by several partners are the joint property of these partners.
- Each database user is mentioned in the items he created.
- Only site supervisors are allowed to modify items regarding their site.
- In no case can data be used or copied by external members to the project without the agreement of Sylvie Rougier-Blanc who supervises the project.
Database architecture:
- Only Bastien Rueff has the possibility as administrator to modify the configuration of the database after agreement and consultation with TiMMA partners and supervisors.
- TiMMA database is under Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0): see terms here.
- Database architecture can be freely used by other scientific projects related to timber and wood resources but must be demanded to Bastien Rueff and Sylvie Rougier-Blanc (agreement required).
- TiMMA (ANR 21-CE27-0029) is the TiMMA website owner.
- TiMMA website has been designed under Omeka S, library management software under free license.
Logo: Julie Blanc, Calypso (
French School at Athens
6 rue Didotou
10680 Athens
The authors are truly grateful to Claire Dupin de Beyssat, Louis Mulot and Federico Nurra for their technical assistance and to the Omeka S community, the OpenTheso and the Getty Museum organizations for providing tools, resources and assistance.