• A horizontal chase of a reinforcement timber element on the west corner of...

  • A horizontal chase of a reinforcement timber element, probably a branch wh...

  • A horizontal chase of a reinforcement timber element, probably a branch wh...

  • A horizontal chase of a reinforcement timber element, probably a branch wh...

  • A horizontal chase of a reinforcement timber element, probably a branch wh...

  • A horizontal system of timber reinforcement of masonry on the walls of room...

  • A horizontal transversal hole at the sill of the pier and window of the nor...

  • A horizontal transversal hole at the sill of the pier and window of the wes...

  • A horizontal transversal hole at the sill of the pier and window of the wes...

  • An imprint of the pier of the window, made by timber frame and an infill of...

  • An imprint of the pier of the window, made by timber frame and an infill of...

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