
Code name (Unique Key)


Type of timber evidence

Stone base with mortises / bedding

Space code

Structural unit code

Position of the base in the structural unit

The first step of the staircase, as a threshold of the staircase door.

Shape of the base

Irregular (unshaped)

Dimensions of the base

1,10x0,45x0,12 The back side is irregular

Position of the stone base

On the floor

If on the floor, method of setting / fitting in/on the floor

In the floor

Type of base

Dressed / ashlar base

Type of stone

Volcanic stone

Number of mortises

2 mortises and 2 pivot holes

Shape of mortises


Dimensions of the mortises

mortises: east: 0,07x0,023x0,015 / west:0,07x0,02x0,015
pivot holes: diameter 0,035 depth: 0,03

Presence of bedding


General description of the base

The first step of the staircase, as a monolithic threshold of the staircase door, with 2 rectangular mortises, and 2 pivot holes. The 2 doorleafs have left clear marks on the stone. It is dressed on the front and upper side and irregular on the back.