
Code name (Unique Key)


Type of structural unit

Pier-and-window partition

List of related timber evidence

Imprint on mud-brick / clay / plaster / ash
Chase in a wall
Window sill

Location code

Space code

Position in the space

On the west and north walls of room I.5.

General dimensions of the pier and window partition

west part: 3,90x0,65x?
north part: 4,00x0,65x?

Type of window

Exterior window

Presence of transversal horizontal timbers at the sill level


Presence of longitudinal horizontal timbers at the sill level


Number of vertical timbers at each jamb pier of the timber frame of the window


Type of the sill


Type of masonry

Rubble masonry with ashlar courses around openings and/or corners

Plaster on the window

Only on the infill of the timber frame

Presence of plaster on the wall


State of preservation when excavated


Current state of preservation


Type of destruction

Volcanic eruption

Method of documentation

On site

General description of the pier and window partition

Pier-and-window partition with two parts, one on the west and one on the north wall of room I.5, with 4 divisions each. It is part of the timber structure of room I.5 (See Str1111)

Media legend and metadata

Palyvou 2019, p.241
Palyvou 2005
Palyvou 1999

Linked resources

  • A vertical chase for the southeast timber jamb of the pier and window of ro...

  • A vertical chase for the northeast timber jamb of the pier and window of ro...

  • A horizontal longitudinal chase for the north timber sill of the pier and w...

  • A horizontal longitudinal chase for the north timber sill of the pier and w...

  • A horizontal longitudinal chase for the west timber sill of the pier and wi...

  • A horizontal longitudinal chase for the west timber sill of the pier and wi...

  • An imprint of the pier of the window, made by timber frame and an infill of...

  • An imprint of the pier of the window, made by timber frame and an infill of...

  • An imprint of the pier of the window, made by timber frame and an infill of...

  • An imprint of the pier of the window, made by timber frame and an infill of...

  • An imprint of the pier of the window, made by timber frame and an infill of...

  • An imprint of the pier of the window, made by timber frame and an infill of...

  • An imprint of the pier of the window, made by timber frame and an infill of...

  • A horizontal transversal hole at the sill of the pier and window of the wes...

  • A horizontal transversal hole at the sill of the pier and window of the wes...

  • A horizontal transversal hole at the sill of the pier and window of the nor...