
Code name (Unique Key)


Type of structural unit

Window frame

List of related timber evidence

Chase in a wall
Imprint on mud-brick / clay / plaster / ash

Location code

Space code

Position in the space

The west window of the north external wall.

General dimensions of the window frame


General dimensions of the saved part of the window frame


Type of window (architectural)

Exterior window

Type of lintel

Horizontal timbers as a part of a 3d load bearing timber frame

Type of masonry

Rubble masonry

State of preservation when excavated


Current state of preservation


Type of destruction

Volcanic eruption

Method of documentation

On site

Description of the window frame

Evidence of an unexcavated small window, with timber elements that have left imprints on ash, chases and holes in the wall. The internal part is not accessible, and therefore its timber elements are not recorded.

Linked resources

  • A horizontal chase for the external lintel of the window. It has a rectangu...

  • A horizontal chase for the external sill of the window. It has a rectangula...

  • A vertical chase for the external west jamb of the window. It has a rectang...

  • A vertical chase for the external east jamb of the window. It has most prob...

  • A horizontal transversal hole at the east sill of the window. Its state of ...

  • A horizontal transversal hole at the west sill of the window. Its state of ...