
Code name (Unique Key)


Type of timber evidence

Chase in the wall

Reconstructed with


Location code

Space code

Structural unit code

Number of chases / cuvity


Position of the chase / cuvity in the structural unit

The lintel of the door on the side of Room 0.1/2

Chase or cuvity on

Rubble masonry

Orientation of the timber element

Horizontal longitudinal

Distance of the timber element from the floor/ground level

1,10 - 1,45

Dimensions of the timber element

1,45x0,12x0,12 The dimensions are not precise, as they are measured on survey drawings of the imprints on ash after the excavation. The dimensions of the reconstructed element are slightly altered.

General description of the timber element

Horizontal timber of the lintel of the door. The imprints on ash were found during excavation. The timber was reconstructed in concrete closer to its original height.