
Code name (Unique Key)


Name of the space

Propileo 25

Location code

Function of the space


Architectural features

Central column

Linked resources

  • The original stone base is visible for a minimal part since the restoration...

  • After restoration works, timber element was replaced by modern cement. The ...

  • After restoration works, timber element was replaced by modern cement. The ...

  • After restoration works, timber element was replaced by modern cement. The ...

  • A transversal horizontal timber element was grafted on the gypsum stone bas...

  • The original stone base is visible for a minimal part since the restoration...

  • After restoration works, timber element was replaced by modern cement. The ...

  • The base has an oval shape and it's by rodhonyte....

  • The stone base has been covered by modern cement during restoration works....

  • The stone base has been covered by modern cement during restoration works....