Southwestern Building at Pylos

Code name (Unique Key)





Palace at Pylos


Southwestern Building at Pylos

General type of building

Elite building

General functions of the building


General description of the location

The southwestern Building primarily served a ceremonial and dining function with service areas.

Linked resources

  • Hall 64 served as the formal entrance into Hall 65; both were probably used...

  • Northeast facade of Hall 64; one course of ashlar preserved with mortises a...

  • All faces chiseled flat and then ground smooth....

  • All ashlar faces chiseled flat and then ground smooth....

  • All faces of the anta were chiseled flat and then ground smooth...

  • Imprint of column in plaster floor....

  • Imprint of column in plaster floor...

  • Large room with four columns...

  • North column base, cut from a single block of stone...

  • Circular column...

  • Southwest ashlar facade of the LHIII phase of the Southwestern Building...

  • Two courses of ashlar masonry with three mortises on the top faces of the b...

  • Top face chiseled flat and then ground smooth...

  • two preserved courses of ashlar with two mortises on the upper faces of two...