West House at Akrotiri
Code name (Unique Key)
West Area at Akrotiri
West House at Akrotiri
General description of the location
Typical Residential Building in the west area of the excavated part of Akrotiri settlement
Linked resources
Vertical chase on rubble wall with ashlar frame, restored with concrete aft...
Room 0.1/2, the entrance hall to the West House, with a staircase leading t...
Entrance door to the West House, part of a load bearing door-and-window sys...
Vertical chase on rubble wall with ashlar frame, restored with concrete aft...
The external timber of the lintel of the door and the window, extending to ...
Vertical chase on rubble wall...
Vertical chase on rubble wall...
Horizontal chase of the lintel on the internal face of the rubble wall, res...
Horizontal chase formed in the floor parallell to the stone threshold. Ther...
Andesite threshold, rectangular with curved corners...
Imprints of a door leaf mentioned in the excavation diaries. Reference foun...
Window by the entrance door to the West House, part of a load bearing door-...
Vertical chase on rubble wall, restored with concrete after excavation....
Vertical chase on rubble wall with ashlar frame, restored with concrete aft...
The external timber of the window sill which extends to the corner of the w...
Vertical chase on rubble wall...
Vertical chase on rubble wall...
Horizontal chase of the window sill on rubble wall...
Timber reinforcement of the corner of the wall. Transversal to the external...
Reinforcement system of the external corner of the wall with ashlar corners...
Room I.1/2, the entrance hall to the first floor of the West House, with a ...
Timber reinforcement of the corner of the wall. Transversal to the external...
Timber reinforcement of the corner of the wall. Chase on rubble wall with a...
Timber reinforcement of the corner of the wall. Chase on rubble wall with a...
Timber reinforcement of the corner of the wall. Chase on rubble wall with a...