
Code name (Unique Key)


Type of structural unit

Horizontal timber reinforcement system of masonry

List of related timber evidence

Chase in a wall

Location code

Space code

List of chronological phases

Late Helladic III B1 (1300-1250)

Position in the space

Horizontal chases in northwest wall.

Type of timber reinforcement

Individual longitudinal horizontal elements

Number of levels of the horizontal reinforcement along the height of the wall

Only two horizontal chases are preserved, both at the same elevation.

Presence of transversal timbers


Presence of diagonal timbers


Connection of longitudinal and transversal timbers

No connection

Type of masonry of the wall

Other (to be specified in the 'General Description' cell)

Plaster or cladding on the wall


Presence of plaster or coating

No coating is preserved

State of preservation when excavated


Current state of preservation


Type of destruction


Method of documentation

On site

General description of the structural unit

Masonry consists of rubble, ashlar block fragments, and a heavy mortar.