
Code name (Unique Key)


Type of structural unit

Vertical timber reinforcement system of masonry

List of related timber evidence

Chase in a wall

Space code

List of chronological phases

Late Helladic III B2 (1250-1200)

Position in the space

It is the south wall of Room 2 (Spa349).

General dimensions of the vertical timber reinforcement system

The two horizontal timbers have a length of 2.70m

Number of vertical timber pairs

4 vertical timbers are preserved.

Distance of vertical timber elements / pairs (between and from the ends of the wall)

The distance between the vertical timbers is 0.67 and 0.76m

Presence of stone bases for the vertical timbers


Type of masonry of the wall

Rubble masonry

Plaster or cladding on the wall

Other (to be specified in the 'General description' cell)

State of preservation when excavated


Method of documentation


Type of destruction


General description of the vertical timber reinforcement system

This vertical timber reinforcement system of masonry consists of 2 horizontal timbers and 4 vertical timbers.There is one more vertical timber reinforcement system of masonry preserved in the west wall of the room (Str287).

Media legend and metadata


Linked resources

  • It is the eastern (out of two) horizontal cuvity of the south wall....

  • It is the western (out of two) horizontal cuvity of the south wall....

  • This cuvity belongs to a vertical timber reinforcement system of masonry pr...

  • This cuvity belongs to a vertical timber reinforcement system of masonry pr...

  • This cuvity belongs to a vertical timber reinforcement system of masonry pr...

  • This cuvity belongs to a vertical timber reinforcement system of masonry pr...