
Code name (Unique Key)


Type of structural unit

Unknown structural unit

List of related timber evidence

Charcoal or preserved wood

Location code

Space code

List of chronological phases

Late Helladic III B2 (1250-1200)

Position in the space

It is related to Room 3 and 4 and in particularly to the hearth that was built at the junction of the north and east wall of Room 3.These rooms are situated on the centre of West Wing.

State of preservation when excavated


Type of destruction


Method of documentation


General description of the floor

The deposit in the hearth was 0.60m.above the floor level contained two layers.The lower layer (0.34m.thick) that was over the floor level preserved strong traces of burning.

Media legend and metadata


Linked resources

  • It was found in the lower layer of the hearth deposit located just outside ...