
Code name (Unique Key)


Type of timber evidence

Stone base without mortises / bedding

Location code

Space code

Structural unit code

Number of bases

According to the excavator`s note book three slabs are illustrated although on the 1958 preliminary plan only one slab is illustrated.After the clearing operations in the area only the remains of two stone slabs were recorded.

Position of the base in the structural unit

This stone base is related to the door to the entrance of Room 4, labelled the kitchen of the West Building.

Position in the space

The slabs were placed in a line across the opening of the door.

Dimensions of the base

The dimensions of the slabs are unknown.

Position of the stone base

On the floor

If on the floor, method of setting / fitting in/on the floor

Other (to be specified in the 'General description' cell)

Presence of foundation


Type of stone

Other (to be specified in the 'General description' cell)

Top surface treatment


Media legend and metadata
