
Code name (Unique Key)


Type of structural unit

Door frame

List of related timber evidence

Socket-pivot hole of door

Location code

Space code

List of chronological phases

Late Helladic III B2 (1250-1200)

Position in the space

Entrance of the architectural unit (Room 1-3).

General dimensions of the door frame

Width: 1.20 m

Type of door (architectural)

Entrance door

Type of door jamb bases


Presence of threshold


Type of threshold (architectural)

Wooden board

Description of the connection of the door frame with the wall

The north doorjamb consisted of a rectangular pier-like structure,forming the extreme south end of the east wall of Room 3 to the north.

State of preservation when excavated


Type of destruction


Method of documentation


General description of the door frame

The entrance in the architectural unit consisted by the Rooms 1-3 was provided by a door judging by the location of the exact pivot hole,the available space inside Room2 and the position of the short north wall of Room 1.The hole was full of ashes an indication that the pivot was made of wood that was revolved on a stone slab found at the bottom of the hole.The north doorjamb consisted of a rectangular pier-like structure forming the extreme south end of the east wall of Room 3 to the north.The threshold had also probably been of wood but no traces were apparently preserved.

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