
Code name (Unique Key)


Name of the space

Space 361 West Wing

Location code

Function of the space


Architectural features

Floor covering
Wall covering

General description of the space

West Wing of West House Building consists of a low narrow corridor,running on the north south axis along the entire length of the house and providing access to a series of 5 rooms (Rooms 1-5) and a terrace at the north-west.

Media legend and metadata


Linked resources

  • The entrance in the architectural unit consisted by the Rooms 1-3 was provi...

  • The doorjambs and the door itself was made of wood carbonized fragments car...

  • A stone slab was placed at the bottom of this small hole which was discove...

  • The narrow wooden door of the room would probably open outwards.There is a ...

  • The pivot hole was located nearer to the inner face of the east wall of the...

  • It was found in the lower layer of the hearth deposit located just outside ...

  • The deposit in the hearth was 0.60m.above the floor level contained two lay...

  • No traces of a Mycenaean floor surface was recorded in the area.At the nort...

  • The remains of a carbonized beam possibly fallen from the roof of the house...

  • 6 steps 0.15 m (average propable H) X 0.40m.(propable W) each step . The la...

  • In front of Room 5 a trodden earth floor laid directly over the bedrock is ...

  • One or two carbonized beams were discovered directly on the bedrock (from t...