
Code name (Unique Key)


Type of structural unit

Pier inside a wall

List of related timber evidence

Chase in a wall

Location code

Space code

List of chronological phases

Late Minoan III A2 (1350-1300)

Position in the space

South-east external corner of the building

General dimensions of the saved part of the pier

0.90 x 0.73

Type of masonry of the wall


Connection of the pier with surrounding structural units

In the south wall there are horizontal and vertical timber reinforcement systems

Current state of preservation

Partly restored

Method of documentation

On site

General description of the pier

The pier forms the south-east corner of the building, it is inside the walls and it preserves the chases in the external parts of southern and eastern walls: the south side is restored with cement, in the east side it is preserved a stone block inside the chase. The internal part is rubble wall. The stone base of pier is partly ground covered

Media legend and metadata


Linked resources

  • The evidence is not easy to read for the restauration with cement. It seems...

  • It is preserved a stone ashlar block inside the chase, set above the stone ...