
Code name (Unique Key)


Name of the space


Function of the space


Architectural features

Wall covering

General description of the space

Room 2 is a rectangular room (8.25X5.40-5.50m).The walls of the room were constructed by larger and smaller stones while on western and southern walls vertical timber reinforcement is preserved.

Media legend and metadata


Linked resources

  • It is related to the horizontal timber of a vertical system reinforcement s...

  • This vertical timber reinforcement system of masonry consists of 2 horizont...

  • It is the eastern (out of two) horizontal cuvity of the south wall....

  • It is the western (out of two) horizontal cuvity of the south wall....

  • This cuvity belongs to a vertical timber reinforcement system of masonry pr...

  • This cuvity belongs to a vertical timber reinforcement system of masonry pr...

  • This cuvity belongs to a vertical timber reinforcement system of masonry pr...

  • This cuvity belongs to a vertical timber reinforcement system of masonry pr...

  • This vertical timber reinforcement system of masonry consists of one horiz...

  • It is the second (2) vertical timber from the south in the west wall of Roo...

  • It is related to the first vertical timber from the south (out of 8 verti...

  • is related to the third vertical timber from the south (out of 8 vertical...

  • It is related to the fourth vertical timber from the south (out of 8 vert...

  • It is related to the fifth vertical timber from the south (out of 8 verti...

  • It is related to the sixth vertical timber from the south (out of 8 verti...

  • It is related to the seventh vertical timber from the south (out of 8 ver...

  • It is related to the eighth vertical timber from the south (out of 8 vert...