Megaron ABCD at Ayia Triada

Code name (Unique Key)



Ayia Triada


Southern sector of the settlement of Ayia Triada


Megaron ABCD at Ayia Triada

General type of building

Elite building

General functions of the building


General description of the location

The building is located in the southern sector of the settlement, where it was built on top of the ruins of the Neopalatial Villa. The structure has a rectangular plan that measures 15.15 x 24.35 m and consists of room 1 (Vano 1) to the East and room 2 (Vano 2) to the West; a third space, called Belvedere, is annexed to the West of Vano 2 and it is open on the south side. Adjoining to the south wall of the Megaron ABCD, at the eastern part, there is the Kiosk E.
It is possible that this complex was connected to the ceremonial activities that took place in the so-called Piazzale dei Sacelli to the South.

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