
Code name (Unique Key)


Type of structural unit


List of related timber evidence

Other (to be specified in the cell 'General description')

Location code

Space code

List of chronological phases

Late Minoan I B (1500-1450)

Type of staircase

Other (to be specified in 'General description' cell)

Position in the space

Palace, Eastern Wing. Room LVIII

General dimensions of the saved part of the staircases

1.80 x 1.00 (the flight on the NW-SE axis)

Dimensions of the steps

1.10 (NE-SW) x 0.25 (NW-SE) x 0.11 m. (based on the preserved stone steps)

Type of masonry of the stringwall

Other (to be specified in the 'General Description' cell)

Stringwall: presence of timber piers at the end of the stringwall


Stringwall: general dimensions of the stringwall

1.90 (NW-SE) x 0.27 (NE-SW) x 1.15 (max. height from the ground level in the room)

Type of masonry of the walls around the staircase

Rubble masonry

Plaster or cladding on the wall


Connection of the staircase with the surrounding walls

Connection with the SE wall of the Lustral Basin. The staicase is located along the SW wall of the room.

State of preservation when excavated

Very bad

Current state of preservation

Very bad

Type of destruction


Method of documentation

On site

Media legend and metadata


General description of the staircases

As recorded by the excavation, the stair way leading to the Lustral Basin had wooden steps except the first one which was of plaster. In site, the first two steps have been restored using stones. The string wall, along the NE side of the stairway, is of poros stones on a rubble stone base. At its NW end there is the high rectangular poros stone with mortises on the upper surface for the adjustment of a timber pier. The current appearance is th result of restoration.


Platon, Nikolaos. 1974. Ζάκρος. Το Νέον Μινωικόν Ανάκτορον, Athens (at pp. 167-170).