
Code name (Unique Key)


Type of structural unit

Polythyron, pier-and-door partition / cupboard partition

List of related timber evidence

Stone base without mortises

Location code

Space code

List of chronological phases

Late Minoan I B (1500-1450)

Position in the space

Palace, Eastern Wing. The NW side of Room LXII

General dimensions of the saved part of the polythyron

12.50 (NE-SW) x 1.45 (NW-SE) x 0.28 from the ground level

Type of bases


Number of openings

Seven (7)

Shape of bases

Irregular (unshaped)

Type of threshold


Distance between pier bases

From SW to NE: the 1st preserved stone from the second is 1.45 m., the second preserves stone base from the third is 3.20 m.

State of preservation when excavated

Very bad

Current state of preservation

Very bad

Type of destruction


Method of documentation

On site

General description of the structural unit

Very badly preserved polythyton on the level of the foundations of the pier stone bases and of the thresholds. Seven openings have been recorded. It was accessible from Rooms XXXVI and XXXVII and gave access to Room LXII with the monumental cistern.

Media legend and metadata
