
Code name (Unique Key)


Type of structural unit

Window frame

List of related timber evidence

Ashlar course with mortises / bedding

Location code

Space code

List of chronological phases

Late Minoan I B (1500-1450)

Position in the space

Palace, West Wing. At the NW side of the lightwell in Room XXVIII

General dimensions of the saved part of the window frame

General dimensions of the NW wall of the lightwell in Room XXVIII: 3.77 (NE-SW) x 0.55 (NW-SE) x 0.46 (from the floor level to the upper surface of the 1st ashlar course/row of the wall)

Type of window (architectural)

Interior window

Number of divisions of the timber frame


Type of infill between vertical timbers


Type of masonry


Presence of plaster on the wall


State of preservation when excavated


Current state of preservation

Partly restored

Method of documentation

On site

Description of the window frame

On upper side of the 1st course/row of ashlar there are two mortises near the two ends of the wall. Based on these finds, the excavator suggested the existence of "double windows" along the NW wall of the lightwell in Room XXVIII, between Rooms XXVIII on the one side (SE) and Rooms XI and XV on the other (NW). The current appearance is the result of restoration.

Media legend and metadata


Position of transversal horizontal timber at other position of the timber frame of the door (intermediate

At both sides of each window a rectangular element has been restored that may correspond to transveral elements of the window frames

Number of transversal horizontal timber at other position of the timber frame of the door (intermediate