
Code name (Unique Key)


Type of structural unit

Polythyron, pier-and-door partition / cupboard partition

List of related timber evidence

Other (to be specified in the cell 'General description')

Location code

Space code

List of chronological phases

New Palace Period (1700-1450)

Position in the space

The entrance to the corridor 26 from the eastern part which divided the corridor 26 from the Space 25.

General dimensions of the polythyron


Type of bases


Number of openings

Two (2)

Type of threshold


Distance between pier bases

135 cm

Position of vertical timber at each jamb pier of the polythyron

Three vertical timber were grafted on a horizontal timber element at 0,25 cm of distance each other.

Number of vertical timber at each jamb pier of the polythyron

Three (3)

Type of infill between vertical timbers

Rubble masonry

Presence of transversal horizontal timber on the stone base


State of preservation when excavated


Current state of preservation


Method of documentation

On site

General description of the structural unit

The structural unit as it visible today has been restored. The two opening were delimited by two L-shaped door jambs in the northern and southern; the central double door jamb has an irregular shape (all of them are made by stone/gypsum).
The door jambs at the Northern and Southern side were formed by one horizontal timber system and three vertical timber system.

Media legend and metadata


Linked resources

  • The original stone base is visible for a minimal part since the restoration...

  • After restoration works, timber element was replaced by modern cement. The ...

  • After restoration works, timber element was replaced by modern cement. The ...

  • The door frame, both on southern and northern part of polythyron, are resto...

  • A transversal horizontal timber element was grafted on the gypsum stone bas...

  • The original stone base is visible for a minimal part since the restoration...

  • After restoration works, timber element was replaced by modern cement. The ...

  • After restoration works, timber element was replaced by modern cement. The ...

  • After restoration works, timber element was replaced by modern cement. The ...

  • The base has covered by restoration works with modern cement. The preserved...