Main Building at Pylos

Code name (Unique Key)





Palace at Pylos


Main Building at Pylos

General type of building

Elite building

General functions of the building


General description of the location

Main Building of the Palace with multiple functions.

Media legend and metadata

Plan of the Palace of Nestor.

Linked resources

  • Outer room of the propylon of the Main Building....

  • Room 2 (inner room) of the Propylon...

  • Inner room (Room 2) of the Propylon...

  • Megaron porch with two columns in-antis...

  • Vestibule of Megaron...

  • Throne Room of the Megaron...

  • Open Court before the Porch of the Megaron...

  • Stone base; impression of wooden column in surrounding plaster floor....

  • Stone base; impression of wooden column in surrounding plaster floor....

  • Stone base; impression of wooden column in surrounding plaster floor....

  • Entrance into the Main Building with a stone base for a pier in-antis....

  • Portico flanking the open court before the megaron....

  • Stoa or portico with a two-column colonnade...

  • Masonry consists of rubble, ashlar block fragments, and a heavy mortar. See...

  • Storeroom with evidence of a vertical timber masonry system....

  • Masonry consists of rubble, ashlar block fragments, and a heavy mortar....

  • Masonry consists of rubble, ashlar block fragments, and a heavy mortar....

  • Masonry consists of rubble, ashlar block fragments, and a heavy mortar....

  • Masonry consists of rubble, ashlar block fragements, and a heavy mortar....

  • Original excavators posit that the room served as a "waiting room."...