
Code name (Unique Key)


Name of the space

Space XX

Location code

Function of the space

Craft area / workshop

Architectural features


General description of the space

Room XX is located in the so-called "SW Expansion" of the palace (Rooms XVII-XXI). It is a rectangular room accessible through a "polythyron" (pier and door partition) on its NE wall. The interior of the room is divided into two parts: at the SE part there are nine shallow cists. At the NE part, a drain was uncovered under the plastered floor. The excavator identidied Room XX as an industrial space (workshop), based on its form and finds.

Media legend and metadata



Platon, Nikolaos. 1962. «Ανασκαφή Ζάκρου», Πρακτικά της Εν Αθήναις Αρχαιολογικής Εταιρείας, 142-168 (at pp. 163-164, plate Γ).

Platon, Nikolaos. 1963. «Ανασκαφαί Ζάκρου», Πρακτικά της Εν Αθήναις Αρχαιολογικής Εταιρείας, 160-188 (at 186-187, 171: fig. 3).

Platon, Nikolaos. 1964. «Ανασκαφαί Ζάκρου», Πρακτικά της Εν Αθήναις Αρχαιολογικής Εταιρείας, 142-168 (at pp. 145-146, plate A).

Platon, Nikolaos. 1966. «Ανασκαφαί Ζάκρου», Πρακτικά της Εν Αθήναις Αρχαιολογικής Εταιρείας, 139-173 (at pp. 141, plate A).

Platon, Nikolaos. 1974. Ζάκρος. Το Νέον Μινωικόν Ανάκτορον, Athens (at pp. 88-90).

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