
Code name (Unique Key)


Name of the space

Space XIV

Location code

Function of the space


General description of the space

Room XIV is a elongated space, located in the West Wing of the palace. It has been identified by the excavator as the "Corridor of the Sanctuary" leading directly from the area of Rooms X, XI and XII to Space XXIII (the so-called "Central Sanctuary" of the palace).

Media legend and metadata



Platon, Nikolaos. 1963. «Ανασκαφαί Ζάκρου», Πρακτικά της Εν Αθήναις Αρχαιολογικής Εταιρείας, 160-188 (at pp. 174, 176, 171: fig.3).

Linked resources

  • At the SW end of the SE wall of Room XIV (corridor), there is a mud-brick p...

  • Vertical timber element at the western corner of the mud-brick pier-like st...

  • Vertical timber element on the NW side of the mud-brick pier-like structura...