
Code name (Unique Key)


Location code

Type of timber evidence

Stone base without mortises / bedding


Structural unit

Number of items

One (1).

Position in the space

Built inside the East wall of Space I 22, partly covered by the bench.

Shape of the timber element

Irregular (unshaped)

Dimensions of the timber element

d = (0.63 - 0.65)m

Position of the stone base

On the floor
In the wall

Method of setting / fitting in/on the wall

Transversal base

Distance from the existing pavement

The base is placed at the North edge of the East wall of Space I 21, where it meets Space I 22. It is based directly on the level of the floor in Space I 22, and at a height of ? ? from the floor in Space I 21.

Type of bases

Roughly dressed stone

Type of stone
