
Code name (Unique Key)


Location code

Type of timber evidence

Stone base without mortises / bedding


Structural unit

Number of items

One (1).

Position in the space

The base is located at the Eastern edge of the first step of Staircase II B. It belongs to an earlier phase of this part of the building, before Space III 2 was partially replaced by the staircase, and the openings between the columns on its East edge were blocked. The stone base is visible today below this first step. With the construction of the staircase, the column must have been removed.

Dimensions of the timber element

Diameter d = 0.42 m
Visible height (above chase) h = 0.09 m

Position of the stone base

On the floor

Method of setting / fitting in/on the floor

In the floor

Type of bases

Dressed / ashlar base