
Code name (Unique Key)


Location code

General description of the space

In Treuil and Schmid (2017), a series of three columns is graphically restored along the wall separating Space IV 8 and IV 8a. Only two of them have been identified during the on-site mission. This one is hypothetically positioned along the south edge of Space IV8, based on the presence of a cup stone at the floor level.

Type of structural unit

Free-standing column

List of related timber evidence

Stone base without mortises



Old Palace Period (1900-1700)

Position in the space

On the South edge of Space IV8, along the line separating that space from Space IV 8bis.

State of preservation when excavated


Current state of preservation


Type of destruction


Method of documentation

On site

Linked resources

  • In Treuil and Schmid (2017), a series of three columns is graphically resto...