
Code name (Unique Key)


Type of structural unit

Door frame

List of related timber evidence

Chase in a wall

Location code

Space code

List of chronological phases

Old Palace Period (1900-1700)

Position in the space

On the East wall of Space V2, at the North - East corner.

General dimensions of the door frame

(0.92 x 0.50 x 1.72)m

Type of door (architectural)

Interior door

Number of door leafs


Presence of threshold


Type of threshold (architectural)

Wooden board

Distance between bases and the horizontal timbers of the lintel

1.59 m

Presence of transversal horizontal timber at other position of the timber frame of the door (intermediate, lintel levels)


Number of transversal horizontal timber at other position of the timber frame of the door (intermediate, lintel levels)

One (1). It is assumed within the mudbrick pier forming the South door jamb, based on the presence of horizontal reinforcement elements on its twin pier just opposite, and on the hollow sound that comes from knocking on the surface of the wall at the same height.

Number of horizontal timbers of the lintel

Three (3).

Type of lintel

Just horizontal timbers

Type of masonry of the wall


Presence of plaster on the wall


Description of the connection of the door frame with the wall

The horizontal timbers of the lintel follow the length of the wall, and are also inserted in the wall opposite, at the same level of the floor beams.

State of preservation when excavated


Current state of preservation


Type of destruction


Method of documentation

On site

Linked resources

  • This lintel is today restored, so the hole has been filled with a timber pi...

  • This lintel has been restored, so the hole has been filled with a timber pi...

  • This lintel has been restored, so the hole has been filled with a timber pi...

  • Restored lintel....

  • Lintel restored....

  • Lintel restored....