
Code name (Unique Key)


Name of the space

Space V 6

Location code

Function of the space


Architectural features

Floor covering
Wall covering

General description of the space

Square space (3,00 x 3,15 m), accessible only from the Eastern wall, via corridor V1. The walls are preserved at a height of about 1,50 - 1,60 m. As in all underground spaces - apart from Space 5 - they were coated by blue mortar. The floor was coated by whitish or blue mortar and carries a slight inclination to the North-East.
On the door we can observe traces of the doorframe . On the South wall there is a window, on which we can observe traces of the wooden frame as well as two protruding pockets, made by earth, that supported a quincunx structure by two cylindrical pieces of wood. Schmid and Treuil think that is it not possible that this structure, a window bar, was not so much to prevent, but to control the access to the opening and, by consequence, to Space V5.

Linked resources

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