
Code name (Unique Key)


Name of the space

Space V 4

Location code

Function of the space


Architectural features

Banquettes (benches)

General description of the space

Rectangular space (4,75 - 4,80 x 2,30 x 2,40 m). The walls are preserved at a height of about 1.30 m from ground level. As in all underground spaces - apart from Space V5 - the walls were coated with a blue mortar. The floor was coated with a whitish or blue mortar.
The room is accessible via a door on the North wall, coming form Space V3. The door carries traces of the doorframe and the threshold.
On the Eastern wall there is a niche at about 1,00 - 1,05 m from ground level. On the Western wall there is a ventilating opening at 0.89 m from ground level, at the back of an embrasure 0.74 m wide.
Along the North wall lies a platform, 0,07 - 0,10 high. Along the Western and Southern walls lie two benches, the former 0,33 m high and the latter 0, 19 - 0,25 m high.
No objects were found on the ground level.

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