
Code name (Unique Key)


Name of the space

Space V2

Location code

Function of the space


Architectural features

Floor covering
Wall covering

General description of the space

Trapezoid space (3,00 - 3,10 x 8,55 - 8,65 m). The floor is inclined to the South, towards Space V3. Two rectangular holes on the floor perhaps point to the existence of wooden pots. The walls are preserved at a height of about 1,50 to 1,90 m above the ground level. As in all underground spaces - apart from Space V5 - the walls were coated with blue mortar. The floor was coated with either whitish or blue mortar.
There are two doors, one on the Eastern wall, forming the room's main entrance from corridor V1, and one on the Southern wall leading to Spaces V3 and V4. The former carries traces of the doorframe and the threshold.
On the Eastern wall, next to the door, there is a niche of 0.94 m width and 0.55 m depth, with the same height as the door. Inside the niche, a bronze spearhead was found.
On the Western wall there is a ventilating opening at a height of about 1,18 m from the ground level. Only the sill and the lower part of the boards (tableaux) are preserved.
Along the Western wall and part of the Northern wall there is a platform of about 0.50 m height.

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