
Code name (Unique Key)


Name of the space

Space IV 14

Location code

Function of the space


Architectural features

Partition wall
Floor covering

General description of the space

Almost rectangular space (7,30 x 5,30 m), with walls preserved at a height in between 0,15 - 1,05 m. The room is accessible via two built, curvilinear steps after an opening on the Eastern wall which leads to Space IV 1. Next to the steps, two "ammouda" blocks seem to form a small partition wall. Yet one of the two blocks carries two square cavities.
No traces of mortar appear on the walls except for a part of the Western Wall. The floor is almost entirely destroyed, yet we can tell that it was coated with a whitish coarse mortar. Two rock outcrops in the Eastern par of the room may have served as bases for vertical support elements.
The room is diagonally crossed by a channel on the floor, leading the water to the North-Eastern corner, and then outside, in the outdoors canalization.
On the Eastern wall there is a large opening (2,35 m long), on the ground level, which may correspond to a niche.

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