
Code name (Unique Key)


Name of the space

Space IV 8

Location code

Function of the space


Architectural features

Wall covering
Floor covering

General description of the space

Rectangular space (DIMENSIONS), which forms part of an ensemble along with Space IV 8 bis and Space IV 8 a. There are two places of access: an opening on the Eastern wall, at the North part, and another one on the South wall, indicated by two stone bases.
Two overlapping stone slabs at the Northeastern opening form a step and a threshold. A rectangular - but fragmented - cup stone, in the Western part of the space, may have been reused as a pot base. The floor, quite well preserved, is coated with a whitish coarse mortar.
Very few objects were found on the ground level.

Linked resources

  • In Treuil & Schmid (2017), a series of three columns is graphically restore...

  • In Treuil and Schmid (2017), a series of three columns is graphically resto...

  • In Treuil and Schmid (2017), a series of three columns is graphically resto...

  • In Treuil and Schmid (2017), a series of three columns is graphically resto...

  • In Treuil and Schmid (2017), a series of three columns is graphically resto...