
Code name (Unique Key)


Name of the space

Space IV 7

Location code

Function of the space


Architectural features

Wall covering
Floor covering

General description of the space

Rectangular space (2,20 - 2,35 x 5,00 m), with walls preserved at a height of 0,30 - 0,55 m above the floor level. No coating mortar is preserved on the walls apart from the Northern part of the Eastern wall, where red mortar is found. Unevenly preserved, the floor is coated by a whitish mortar, coarse in the Western part and finer in the Eastern part. Close to the Eastern wall, a bedrock outcrop has been levelled. There are two openings, one on the Southern wall , leading to Space IV 1, and one on the Western wall, leding to Space IV 7 bis. In the former, we can observe possible traces of a wooden theshold.
The only object found in the space was a ceramic tun.

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