
Code name (Unique Key)


Name of the space

Space IV 5

Location code

Function of the space

Craft area / workshop

Architectural features

Wall covering
Floor covering

General description of the space

Rectangular space (2,65 - 2,70 x 3,40 m), with walls preserved at a height in between 0,25 - 1,00 m. The wall coating, made of red mortar, is unevenly preserved. The floor, poorly preserved, was coated with a whitish coarse mortar. There are two doors, one on the Southern wall leading to Space IV1 and one on the Western wall leading to Space IV6. The former carries traces of the doorframe and a wooden threshold.
In the North-West part of the space, traces of 34 loom weights were found, thus pointing to the use of this space (at least partially) as a weaving workshop.

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