
Code name (Unique Key)


Name of the space

Space III 15

Location code

Function of the space


Architectural features

Banquettes (benches)
Floor covering
Wall covering

General description of the space

Trapezoidal space (5,50 x 3,20 - 3,75 m), with walls preserved at a height of 0,35 to 0,75 m. The walls, as well as the floor and the benches are coated with a red mortar.
On the Western wall there is the main entrance door of Building A (in its last phase). A second door is found on the North wall. Both carry traces of the doorframe, door-leaves (the former, friction traces on the stone threshold) and thresholds (the latter, traces of a wooden one).
Another opening is found on the Eastern wall, leading to Space III 10.
Along the Eastern and Southern wall lies a bench of an approximate height of 0,25 m.
No objects were found inside.

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