
Code name (Unique Key)


Name of the space

Space III 11

Location code

Function of the space

Animal husbandry

Architectural features

Partition wall
Trough (auge)

General description of the space

Rectangular space (3,60 - 4,00 x 5,90 m), with two central stone piers on the axis East - Wes. The space is composed by a main room and a rectangular closet (III 11 a). It is accessible by the outdoor space but also, in a limited way, by Space III 3 bis.
The walls are preserved at a height of 0,20 to 1,65 m. In front of the entrance from the Placette Est lie two steps; on the second one there is a longitudinal groove pointing to the existence of a closing device. The threshold is made by slabs of "sideropetra".
The closet, in the South-East corner of the space, is delineated by a partition wall and a shear wall containing numerous spolia. In the Northern partition wall there is a square window (d=0,30 m, h= 0,32 m). The Western wall is poorly preserved, which does not allow us to situate the exact position of the door. The floor level was probably a little higher than the rest of the space.
Close to the entrance, a trough was found, placed on blocks of "sideropetra" and above an older trough. Another trough is found in the closet, below the window, also with a foundation of blocks of "sideropetra", while a third trough was found between this one and the Western wall.

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