
Code name (Unique Key)


Name of the space

Space III 9

Location code

Function of the space


Architectural features

Floor covering
Wall covering

General description of the space

Long, rectangular space (8,00 x 2,40 - 2,62 m), with a small closet adjacent to its North side, under the staircase III A. The walls are preserved up to a height of 0,90 m and are coated in red. The floor, unevenly, poorly preserved, is coated with a whitish coarse mortar.
There are two doors, both on the Western wall, one leading to Space III 6 and one leading to Space III 7. The latter carries traces of the doorframe and perhaps of a threshold. The closet may have been used as a cupboard for tableware. A pythos was also found, stabilized at 0,30 m under the ground level, in contact with the Western wall.

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