
Code name (Unique Key)


Name of the space

Space III 4

Location code

Function of the space

Living areas

Architectural features

Wall covering
Floor covering

General description of the space

Almost rectangular space (3,90-4,20 x 3,95-4,20 m). The walls are preserved at a height of 0.85 to 1,30 m and coated in white. The Southern part of the West wall also carried, perhaps, a layer of blue coating. The floor is unevenly preserved and coated with a whitish coarse mortar.
Towards the middle of the space there is a green stone slab which bears ash traces, and probably served as a column base.
There is one door, on the North wall, carrying traces of the doorframe and of the threshold, as well as of an extra step which help bridge the level gap between the floors of III 4 and III 1.
A continuous bench (h=0,20 - 0,25 m) runs along all four walls.
Numerous transportation vases and tableware items were found in the space.

Linked resources

  • It is a roughly worked slab. Treuil and Schmid (2017) propose that it may h...