
Code name (Unique Key)


Name of the space

Space III D

Location code

Function of the space


General description of the space

Exterior, straight, single-flight staircase (DIMENSIONS). Four steps made by "ammouda" stone are preserved, along with fragments of three more. On the first and the fourth step, traces of a transversal rabbet indicate the presence of a parapet.
On the Placette Est, a circular slab of "sideropetra" may have served as a base for a column, supporting a porch.
This staircase provided access to an elevated ground floor, placed above the underground spaces on the South-East part of Building A. Yet no traces of the entrance have been found. The absence of connection in the masonry indicates that the staircase was built after the exterior walls of Building A. Yet Schmic and Treuil believe, based on the quality of the construction, that it made part of the initial conception.

Linked resources

  • The paraper is mentioned in Treuil and Schmid (2017) in relation to the ext...