
Code name (Unique Key)


Name of the space

Space II 3

Location code

Function of the space


Architectural features

Wall covering

General description of the space

Along with II 3 bis, it is a closet fixed under the staircase II A. Space II 3 is a rectangular space (3,25 - 3,3 x 1,00 m) under the second flight of the staircase, while Space II 3 bis is a lower cupboard (0,85 x 1,50 m) placed under the highest steps of the stair's first flight. Only on the Norther partition wall we can spot traces of a white coating, with blue and red zones. The floor is almost entirely destroyed. No trace of door has been found between II 3 and I 3 bis. In the North side of II 3 a platform (h=0,20 - 0,25 m) runs along the North partition and part of the Eastern wall.
The closet provides access to Space I 17, which was used as a dump. In the cupboard II 3 bis, six stocking vases, three jugs, as well as cups and glasses were found on the ground level.