
Code name (Unique Key)


Name of the space

Space II 1

Location code

Function of the space


Architectural features

Floor covering
Wall covering
Banquettes (benches)

General description of the space

Rectangular space (4,60 x 3,50 m), with walls preserved at a height of 0,65 to 1,10 m and coated in red. The coating has turned brown in some places. The floor is quite well preserved, paved with blue slabs of "sideropetra", among which one green slab, separated with red mortar in the interstices.
There are five openings around the four walls; one leading to Space I 1 a (to the North), one leading to Staircase II A (to the East), one leading to Staircase II B (to the South), one leading to Space III 1 a (to the South), and one leading to Space II 2 (to the West).
The door leading to III 1 a carries traces of the doorframe and of a threshold, as well as two pivot holes.
Between this door and the Western wall of Staircase III B lies a rectangular column base from an earlier phase. Another column base, round, is found underneath the North edge of the Eastern wall of Staircase III B.
Along the Eastern wall lies a bench (h=0,27m). Along the Western wall lies a platform (h=0,16m), separating the wall from the draining channel that runs within the space. The channel transverses the door leading to III 1 a and is covered only by this door's threshold.

Linked resources

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