Code name (Unique Key)
Name of the space
Door frame
Location code
General description of the space
Pelon 1980, p. 214-215, fig. 14:
Pas de porte en bois à cet endroit selon OP
Pas de porte en bois à cet endroit selon OP
Devolder (fieldwork 2022):
Heavily restored and destroyed today, but slight projection of mud from the N jamb suggests there initially was a series of imprints. Access now 109 x 56 cm.
Heavily restored and destroyed today, but slight projection of mud from the N jamb suggests there initially was a series of imprints. Access now 109 x 56 cm.
Position in the space
Access between Spaces XVIII 1 and XVIII 2
State of preservation when excavated
Current state of preservation
Very bad
Imprint of wood on mortar or ash
Method of documentation