
Code name (Unique Key)


Name of the space

Vertical timber reinforcement system of masonry

Location code

General description of the space

Chapouthier, Demargne 1942, p. 9
Le mur de briques qui sépare au Nord ce quartier du corridor a été scruté minutieusement, et en trois points on l’a trouvé interrompu dans toute son épaisseur ; des rainures étroites mais profondes étaient remplies de bois carbonisé ; des poutres verticales y prenaient donc place. Ces poutres ne reposaient pas sur le sol, mais sur le même lit de blocage qui supporte partout le mur de briques.
Pelon 1980, p. 205
Devolder & Lorenzon, 2019, p. 76, 80, fig. 6:
Area XII: Chronology: Neopalatial; Stone socle: 0.45-0.50 m-high in the north, exterior, wall (heavily restored), 0.15-0.20 m-high in the interior walls; Bricklaying: Header bond; Mud mortar: Red mud mortar (2.5YR 4/6) similar in composition to the mudbricks; Macro-fabric: Fine (MA13 and MA14); Mudbrick dimensions: 0.50 by 0.37 m; Mudbrick composition: Red fabric (2.5YR 4/6); Incorporates large quantities of seagrasses and coarse sand to medium gravel (1-15 mm). P. 80
Three gaps in the North wall of rooms XIII 1 and 2 – 0.40, 0.16 and 0.45 m-wide, respectively – may have accommodated vertical supports for a wooden structure, perhaps framing the mudbrick wall in the south-eastern entrance of the Palace. P. 76, fig. 6.


Position in the space

Three spaces in the wall set apart for strengthening the structure.

State of preservation when excavated


Current state of preservation


Number of courses

3 courses of mudbricks on the heavily restored rubble stone socle.

Imprint of wood on mortar or ash


Rubble stone bases for mudbrick

Heavily restored using sandstone chips.

Method of documentation

On site