
Code name (Unique Key)


Name of the space

Space VII 4

Location code

Function of the space


Architectural features


General description of the space

Space VII 4 is also dubbed the 'Pillar Crypt'. Paved room (4 x 8,20 m) delimited by cut sandstone ashlar walls in varying masonries (rubble-backed to the West, North and South, and heterogeneous to the East - where the wall [Spa12] is opened for an access from space VII 3 framed by two columns [Str26 and Str27]. Mason's marks on the walls and pillars [Str12 and Str29].

Linked resources

  • Southern pillar in space VII 4...

  • Chapouthier, Charbonneaux, 1928, p. 27: Pièce VII 4 (4 x 8,20 m). Deux pil...

  • See Tim13 and Tim14...