
Code name (Unique Key)


Name of the space

Space VIIa

Location code

Function of the space


General description of the space

Space VIIa; West of the central court, from which it is separated by a mudbrick partition wall; and east of space VII 3 leading to space VII 4 (the Pillar Crypt). A N-S colonnade runs through space VIIa, which is suggested to have consisted in the western limit of the central court in the Protopalatial period, before the mudbrick wall was built to the east.

Linked resources

  • Pelon 1980, p. 136-137: Base sud en VIIa de 0,57-0,58 m de diam. Trou de c...

  • Chapouthier, Joly, 1936, p. 13 & 14: Base de colonne Sud noyée dans le sol...

  • Pelon 1980, p. 136-137: Plaque au sud est une sidéropétra de forme impréci...

  • Pelon 1980, p. 136-137: La base au sud (0,61-0,62 m diam.) [Str19] a une s...

  • Pelon 1980, p. 136-137: La base au sud (0,61-0,62 m diam.) [Str19] a une s...

  • Pelon 1980, p. 137: Parastade formant un accès bloqué au centre par un sup...

  • Door frame between parastade against the eastern end of the wall separating...