
Code name (Unique Key)


Name of the space

Space VI 1

Location code

Function of the space


Architectural features


General description of the space

Loggia or space VI 1 is accessed from the central court via a staircase (four steps the length of which corresponds to the width of the room) and leads down to the west to Area IV-VI via another staircase (four steps) framed with columns. It is described as hosting activities connected with what was happening in the central court.


J. Charbonneaux, Carnet de fouilles 1924 (dates du 30 août; 2 Septembre)
Chapouthier, Charbonneaux, 1928, p. 19-20, 30, 32
BCH 48 (1924), p. 492-496 (MAUD CHECK EXACT PAGES)
Pelon 1980, p. 138-142
Dimou, et alii, 2000, fig. 4
PELON 1980 PLAN 20

Linked resources

  • Chapouthier, Charbonneaux, 1928, p. 19: "gros pilier de bois équarri de 0,...

  • Chapouthier, Charbonneaux, 1928, p. 20: ‘nous rencontrons la bordure intér...

  • Chapouthier, Charbonneaux, 1928, p. 20: "nous rencontrons la bordure intér...

  • Pelon 1980, p. 142: Plaque dans la partie ouest de la pièce, dans l’axe ce...