
Code name (Unique Key)


Name of the space

Space V 3

Location code

Function of the space


Architectural features

Partition wall

General description of the space

Space V 3; largely open to the NW corner of the CC


Linked resources

  • Chapouthier, Charbonneaux, 1928, p. 34: À l’ouest, le mur qui le sépare d...

  • Pelon 1980, p. 145: Le mur sud, qui sépare V 3 de VI 3-4, comporte, dans sa...

  • Pelon 1980, p. 99: Il y avait là à l'origine une porte faisant communiquer...

  • Eastern column base in Space V 3, associated to an early stage of the North...

  • Western column base in Space V 3, associated to an early stage of the North...